03 April 20
The DXS BestPathway module is now an accredited software solution soon to be available for call-off on the new NHS GP IT Futures Procurement Framework. GP IT Futures, that came into effect in January 2020, is the replacement of the old GP IT Procurement Framework (GPSoC 2).
The procurement of a range of accredited centrally-funded GP IT solutions will work much the same as the previous GPSoC 2 in that CCGs and GP practices will be able to “call-off” (procure) selected software from a central buying catalogue.
The Framework ensures that healthcare organisations, not only general practice, but also other care organisations, can browse the new buying catalogue to compare solutions easily with the reassurance that they meet strict industry standards. GP IT Futures also provided the opportunity for suppliers to add additional innovative solutions into the Framework. During the coming months, DXS will be broadening its GP practice offering with the introduction of two new products. These are DXS CompleteCare, a comprehensive library of clinical protocols and templates for both SystmOne (TPP) and EMIS clinical systems, and DXS ExpertCare. ExpertCare (Hypertension) is a ground-breaking expert software solution designed to simplify complex medicines prescribing using expert algorithms.
Interoperability is high on the NHS’s agenda and this reflects prominently as a key Framework feature. Final accreditation for Framework software suppliers depends heavily on their commitment to allow data to flow freely between solutions and healthcare providers. In this regard NHS Digital has introduced a set of open technology and data standards which set a high bar for suppliers to move towards a truly interoperable environment. Also, the new commercial standard further encourages innovation and collaboration and discourages market monopoly.
Finally, the Framework is designed to drive innovation, and above all, to ensure that general practice can maintain and grow their digital practice environment through a centrally-funded framework that guarantees solutions that adhere to all innovative, clinical and safety standards.