Wigan Borough CCG case study

Transforming Decision-making Throughout Primary Care

referral letter
Wigan Borough CCG

Wigan Borough CCG, with three different clinical systems in use across the CCG, commissioned DXS Point-of-Care with the objectives of implementing a decision support tool, standardising referral processes and reducing inappropriate referrals.

From contract signing, DXS provided crucial insights gained from previous successful project implementations that have shaped the approach across the areas of clinical content creation, training and deployment.

Prior to deploying DXS Point-of-Care, the CCG focused on infrastructure and utilised a single SQL server per clinical system for all 63 practices which made for rapid deployment of the DXS solution.

DXS Point-of-Care provides clinicians with local and national guidance. To fully utilise this software, Wigan Borough CCG needed to develop pathways, guidance, and referral forms that would be loaded into the DXS Point-of-Care software to be shared with practices across the CCG. Following on from this a specification bespoke to WBCCG was agreed by both parties. This specification was applied to all WBCCG content, giving the local content uniformity of appearance and function.

A mixture of on-site training sessions and eLearning modules were provided. The eLearning portal provides a convenient way for users to access learning materials at a time that suits them, while developing a deeper usage and understanding of the system.

It has been intriguing to see how the integrated system of DXS Point-of-Care can assist all members of staff in the practice. For example the feedback has shown how local CCG guidance information on an unusual issue assisted a GP to make the correct decision to refer the patient. In addition, a Medical Secretary praised DXS as it reduces the time taken to complete referral forms.

Here are some other comments from champion users across the CCG:

“Having recently received training on the DXS software, I feel that the use of this software can help to significantly improve the quality of information we provide to our patients, as well as improving the administration of our referrals.

The access to up-to-date patient resources ensures that we don’t need to arduously manage this at a practice level. We can be more confident that the information we are providing to our patients is up-to-date, consistent with other practices, better coded on the patient records and better transmitted to the patients (e.g. the ability to email information to patients would certainly help with their record-keeping, as well as saving trees!).

I strongly advocate the process on DXS that allows access to local CCG referral pathways and referral forms. The ability to access up-to-date referral forms and transmission methods helps to ensure that we are meeting the current local recommended methods of referral with minimal effort at the practice level; this makes certain that our colleagues are receiving referrals aligned with current local guidelines and recommendations – a benefit to patient, referrer and referral recipient alike.”

Dr Hussain – General Practitioner, Intrahealth Marsh Green Surgery

“The software itself is unobtrusive when not in use and seems quick to use. The integration of local referral forms that self-populate with patient demographics and then can be directly emailed saves a lot of time for both myself and our secretaries. There are no concerns about choosing the right email address as this is all automated now and updated centrally. Already I'm generating a list of templates I'd like to see on DXS.

I've also made use of the patient information sheets; I'm looking forward to being able to email them directly to patients once we have a 'no response' email account set up. I like the fact that I can record in the notes what information I've provided for a patient also. I've also made use of the PDP functionality and I am hoping to be able to import things saved here into my appraisal account with clarity. Finally having links to locally designed pathways is useful”.

Dr Saira – General Practitioner, Dr Zaman and Partners
referral letter
West Hampshire CCG case study

DXS Point-of-Care was commissioned by West Hampshire CCG to provide GP practices with access to an integrated decision support tool that delivers Care Pathways, Guidelines, Patient Information and Referral Forms at the point of diagnosis or prescription.

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Personalised, Connected Care